Is now the past, present or future?

Journal Version:

My journal is rejected citing not suitable for publication in "National Academy Science Letters". The notion of science stemming from science fiction reached consensus among some scientific communities. And, most are still in denial. While I don't have the ability to persuade them and my time may or may not come, my thoughts and actions will continue to be inspired by science fiction.

National Academy Science Letters
Is now the past, the present or the future?
--Manuscript Draft--
Manuscript Number:
Full Title: Is now the past, the present or the future?
Article Type: Short Communication
Keywords: Time; Theory of Relativity; Gravity; Light; Black Hole; Star; Albert Einstein
Corresponding Author: Balaji Thangapandian, B. E
Sathyambama Engineering College: Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
Corresponding Author Secondary
Corresponding Author's Institution: Sathyambama Engineering College: Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
Corresponding Author's Secondary
First Author: Balaji Thangapandian, B. E
First Author Secondary Information:
Order of Authors: Balaji Thangapandian, B. E
Sethuraman Radhakrishnan
Order of Authors Secondary Information:
Funding Information:
Suggested Reviewers: Dr Subhashini Radhakrishnan, M.E
Professor and Head, Sathyambama Institute of Science and Technology: Sathyabama
Institute of Science and Technology
Dr Subhashini Radhakrishnan is a versatile professor - a subject domain expert in
various domains
Dr Murugan S
Associate Professor, Sathyambama Institute of Science and Technology: Sathyabama
Institute of Science and Technology
A mentor whom my i admire because of his in depth understanding of his domain.
Dr Mathivanan G
Associate Professor, Sathyambama Institute of Science and Technology: Sathyabama
Institute of Science and Technology
a mentor whom i admire because of his in depth understanding of his domain
Dr Ravichandran S
Professor, Sathyambama Institute of Science and Technology: Sathyabama Institute of
Science and Technology
a mentor whom i admire for his in depth understanding of his domain
Dr Kuppusamy P
Senior Scientist, Sathyambama Institute of Science and Technology: Sathyabama
Institute of Science and Technology
a mentor whom i enormously admire for his in dept understanding of not only his
domain but nano technology
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Is now the past, the present or the future? 
“The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion” – Albert Einstein
Balaji Thangapandian B.E; CBA (Indian Institute of Management, Indore)
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
Email address:
ORCID: 0000-0001-5041-2626 
Dr R Sethuraman 
Assistant Professor, Department of computer science and engineering
Sathayabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
Email address:
When we look up what do we see, especially in the night sky, is it the present or the past or the future? Now, why 
am I asking this question? When I'm seeing something it is actually happening now, which implies that it is the
present. Isn't? I think I will have to rephrase the question. When we look up especially in the night sky the stars that 
we see are they from the present or the past or the future? The reality of the past, present and the future are 
Theory of Relativity
Black Hole
Albert Einstein
Funding: Not applicable
Conflicts of interest/Competing interests: Not applicable
Availability of data and material: Not applicable
Code availability: Not applicable
Ethics approval
Consent to participate
Consent for publication 
Significance Statement: 
Time is an illusion. Even though, its existence can be mathematically verified or backed by Albert Einstein's 'Theory 
of Relativity', 'Time' is an illusion as it is a human intervention same as language, culture etc.
Author details

Is now the past, present or future?
The two important aspects of the relativity theory are: firstly, the space is not empty as we perceive, the blackness 
we see through our human naked eye consists of something or in the language of Albert Einstein a fabric. Secondly, 
the illusionary and the elusive unit of measurement we humans invented, "Time" does exist, not only in Planet Earth 
but every part of the universe and in each part of the universe it is different - Time is relative. 
Now, what is this fabric in the space we are talking about comprises of? According to Einstein's General theory of 
relativity, its constituents are space and time, called space-time. This space-time is like a fabric in the universe. Like 
how a fabric bends when its corners are expanded or stretched and an object is dropped at the middle, space-time 
also "warps" (bending of its constituent’s space and time) because of not an object but a planet or a star in the 
universe with immense mass. 
Every planet or a star, irrespective of its nature - gaseous, liquid or rocky, has mass. It's mass bends or warps the 
space-time around it. Do recall the example of a fabric stretched and an object producing ripples of fabric or 
wave example. Thus a gravitational force is established between it and another planet. In another words orbit - a 
path or trajectory in which a plant or star travels. This gravity is what keeps the stars and its planets intact in their 
respective orbits and do not let planets and stars collide. 
Gravitational Waves signify or justify the scientific visionary Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity that a 
massive mass is competent of warping space time, resulting in a space-time distortion - that a gravitational pull is 
created which, implodes the mass, and eventually becomes a black hole. When black holes are created and collide 
with each other, a strong force or gravitational waves are released. 
Why is the discovery of Gravitational Waves so significant for us? It's because we can now 'hear' the universe. So 
far, scientists have been able to witness the after effects of black holes. With the advent of gravitational waves, the 
inception, progression and death of a black hole can be observed and heard. The universe can now be explored in the 
dimensions not thought of yet. Intriguing, Isn’t?
It's a very significant discovery, validating the correctness of Albert Einstein's Relativity theory. Until recently, 
physicists considered black holes were conjecture/scientific speculation. However, the discovery of gravitational 
waves would confirm the existence of Black Holes. So, what are gravitational waves? When masses of size of black 
holes, collide, they generate tremendous energy, in a form that causes ripples of space-time, the very fabric of the 
Gravity has the properties of light. It travels at the speed of light 1, 86,000 miles per second. Light is the fastest 
travelling phenomenon in the universe discovered yet, it appears that Gravity and light exchange their properties. 
Stars are fuelled by nuclear fuel. As they burn they exhaust their nuclear fuel and eventually run out of it and 
sometimes explodes, which is what is called a supernova explosion and give birth to stars. Sometimes when a star 
exhausts their nuclear fuel, they die by becoming a black hole. Two processes occur simultaneously when a star's 
nuclear fuel is exhausted - an explosion and an implosion. When a star's mass gets denser because of its nuclear fuel 
exhaustion, it leaves iron at its core as leftovers, which gets denser and the star's diameter eventually becomes just a 
few kilometers in width. In effect, it cannot contain itself and explodes, which is otherwise known as supernova 
explosion (in the case of a giant dying star). The remnants of the supernova explosion sometimes give birth to stars. 
Simultaneously, the star is also undergoing an implosion. The iron that settled at the core pulls the star inwards. 
Thus, an enormous gravitational pull is created, which shrinks the star to a space-time singularity called black hole. 
Precisely, when a star exhausts it's nuclear fuel by burning it for a considerable length of time, say billions of years, 
it gets denser and denser, simultaneously it warps or bends it's space-time around it. When it gets very dense, a few 
kilometers across in diameter, it cannot contain its mass anymore, it explodes, which is called a supernova 
explosion. Consequently, the remainder of the star implodes and becomes a Black Hole. The remnants of a 
supernova explosion sometimes give birth to stars and some wander or remain in the space as dust and gas.
Why do I ask is now the past, the present or the future? 
We understand that when stars exhaust their nuclear fuel, its gravity takes precedence. It pulls the star's mass 
towards inside to a point where implosion happens. How? As a star consumes its nuclear fuel, it leaves iron at its 
core as leftover, which gets condensed and condensed. Consequently, over a period of time, its mass reaches a 
threshold level, and starts pulling the star inwards - an implosion. Thus, an enormous gravitational pull is created. 
Subsequently, because of the enormous gravitational pull the mass of the star gets reduced to almost zero. It sounds 
simple. Isn't? But it's rather complex in the physical realm of the universe. 
Technically, when a star's nuclear fuel is exhausted, its gravitational pull not only shrinks its mass but warps the 
space-time of the star to a singularity. The fabric the universe, which is made up of space and time get merged and 
almost become nothing (it is a misnomer though) in other words singularity, where the laws of classical physics or 
the general theory of relativity break then the quantum physics takes over. The apparent physical reality, space and 
time we exist in cease to exist in a singularity. 
As we are aware, anything can enter (provided it has the capacity to enter) the singularity of the black hole but 
nothing can come back. It is speculated that everything goes into another realm - multiverse. Or, another dimension 
we can't comprehend yet. 
This entire episode of implosion, death and the creation of a black hole happens in matter of seconds. Why and 
According to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, Time is one of the fundamental building blocks of the universe 
and each part of the universe has its own time, rather space-time. Even though, universe really doesn't have a clock, 
time exists. How? The evolution of the constituents of the universe is what is called time. And, as far as humans are 
concerned the biological evolution is called time. 
Physicists claim one millisecond in a black hole corresponds to billions of years elsewhere, perhaps in the planet 
Earth. Having said that, while the process of the birth of a black hole happens in a few seconds, it unfolds as an 
event occurring for billions of years when the light entering from that event enters or viewed from Earth. 
It is for one primary reason that space is enormous. The universe can't be defined or demarcated. The gravitational 
wave emerging from a black hole or a light coming from a distant star or viewed by us in the planet earth using a 
naked human eye or a telescope is not now but the past. Therefore, NOW IS THE PAST.
Remember, light or gravitational wave travels at the speed of 186,000 miles per second, yet the light or 
gravitational wave from a celestial event happened billions of years ago reaches us now. NOW IS THE PAST. 
When we look up into the cosmos.
So, when is now the present? 
The light coming from a relatively close object, perhaps in the planet Earth, the now is really "The Now". In other 
words, wherever we are in the universe, the now is where we are. What's happening elsewhere is neither the past, 
present nor the future. Because each part of the universe has its own space-time. Therefore, arguably there is really 
no past, present or future in the universe.

Then, how is now the future? 
Remember, time runs slow when the gravity is strong. It is possibly the reason why astronomers and physicists 
claim that one millisecond in a black hole equals to billions of years on planet Earth or any other planetary object or 
star for that matter. Paradoxically, time runs faster in a black hole because of stronger gravity and time runs slower 
in planet Earth because of relatively low gravity. Why is gravity strong in a black hole? Because after a star's 
nuclear fuel is exhausted its gravity takes over and shrinks the star to a space-time singularity. It takes enormous 
amount of gravity to shrink a planetary object or a star that big to a singularity. Hence, gravitational pull is stronger 
or strongest in a black hole. 
Then, why do we say time runs slower in a black hole? It is because of the reason that stronger gravity manipulates 
the biological human body's metabolism. Therefore, the cells process its feed or information or food slowly. Cells 
age slowly. Cells evolve slowly from the process of birth to death. 
Now, what is time? A unit of measurement is needed to measure the evolution, aging, existence and death of a 
biological and non biological or organic and inorganic, rather living and non-living thing. Thus, time came into 
existence with human intervention. As some astronomers or physicists claim time is not one of the fundamental 
building blocks of the universe, is what the argument I’m putting forward. 
Technically, time runs faster in a black hole that's why what happens in a millisecond in a black hole transpires in a 
billion of years on the planet Earth or viewed from the horizon (event horizon) of a black hole. What it implies is 
that if someone or something is capable of travelling at the speed of light and has the ability to resist the enormous 
gravitational pull of a black hole, where even light can't escape from its pull and manage to view the formation of a 
black hole, you have practically seen the future (but it is actually a "now" near a black hole) when you witness the 
same event again from planet Earth. It means that you are witnessing the formation of the same black hole twice. 
You went near the black hole (a dying star which is going to become a black hole) and saw its formation, which is a 
future from the perspective of viewing it from Planet Earth. Therefore, NOW IS THE FUTURE. Then you come 
back to Planet Earth and manage to stay alive for billions of years and witness the formation of the same black hole, 
which is present from the perspective of Planet Earth. 
Time is neither the past, nor the present, nor the future but an enclosure.
1. The General Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein (The Meaning of Relativity - 
2. The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes by S.Chandrasekar and Kip S Throne - 
3. Wormholes in spacetime and their use for interstellar travel: A tool for teaching general relativity by Michael 
S.Morris and Kip S.Throne - 
4. Foundations for a Theory of Gravitation Theories by Kip S.Throne, David L.Lee, and Alan P.Lightman - 
5. Black Hole Condensation and the unification of string vacua by Brain R.Greene, David R.Morrison,Andrew 
Strominger - 
6. The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory by Brain 
Greene, Reviewed by John H.Schwarz -

Original Idea:
Would you believe if I say a human eye itself is a time machine? If you do believe, then proceed with reading, else continue leading the ordinary life you are happy leading to. 
image credit: iorigins movie

Would you believe if I say time manipulates metabolism because of gravity? Most wouldn't because i don't have the title of a physicist or a prize winner or a politically correct person that you seek. If you do believe, proceed with reading, else I will wait for you to wake up. 

Time Travel is not just a possibility but a certainty is what I speculated in my theory published on 13th September 2020, which was based on Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity. While this theory doesn't have anything directly to do with Christopher Nolan's Tenet, there is a correlation, which can be understood if you actually pay attention to this theory. Else, you can continue to lead the regular life, but I will continue to be immersed in the universe of science and fiction.

It does not belong to now, but earlier - the past. It is not going to happen now, but later - the future. Yet, I've experienced it. What do I call the timeline as? 

If you believe in the notion of the universe being a space-time fabric and moreover, immortality, then you have to join hands with me and Adam in destroying the time. If time doesn't exist, there is neither beginning nor the end, but everything prevails in an endless loop. Here is one of the possible ways to do so:

Is now the past, present or future?

When we look up what do we see, especially in the night sky, is it the present or the past or the future? Now, why am I asking this question? When I'm seeing something it is actually happening now, which implies that it is present. Isn't? I think I will have to rephrase the question. 

When we look up especially in the night sky the stars that we see are they from the present or the past or the future? 

Let me not answer this question directly, which no one asked but I asked myself, even the very few readers or followers I have will not ask. First let me attempt to explain the essence of maverick, eccentric, visionary and praised with many adjectives, scientist, physicist Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity. A pathbreaking understanding of our universe. 

The two important aspects of the relativity theory are: firstly, the space is not empty as we perceive, the blackness we see through our human naked eye consists of something or in the language of Albert Einstein a fabric. Secondly, the illusionary and the elusive unit of measurement we humans invented, "Time" does exist, not only in Planet Earth but every part of the universe and in each part of the universe it is different - Time is relative. 

Now, what is this fabric in the space we are talking about comprises of? According to Einstein's General theory of relativity, it's constituents are space and time, called space-time. This space-time is like a fabric in the universe. Like how a fabric bends when it's corners are expanded or stretched and an object is dropped at the middle, space-time also "warps" (bending of its constituents space and time) becuase of not an object but a planet or a star in the universe with immense mass. 

Every planet or a star, irrespective of its nature - gaesous, liquid or rocky, has mass. It's mass bends or warps the space-time around it. Do recall the example of a fabric streched and an object producing ripples of fabric or wave example. Thus a gravitational force is established between it and another planet. In another words orbit - a path or trajectory in a which a plant or star travels. This gravity is what keeps the stars and it's planets intact in their respective orbits and do not let planets and stars collide. 

Gravitational Waves signify or justify the scientific visionary Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity that a massive mass is competent of warping space time, resulting in a spacetime distortion - that a gravitational pull is created which, implodes the mass, and eventually becomes a black hole. When black holes are created and collide with each other, a strong force or gravitational waves are released. Now, answering the question, what is the relevance of detection of gravitational waves? It helps in unlocking the mysteries of formation of universe/cosmos, apart from proving Einstein's theory of relativity.

Why is the discovery of Gravitational Waves so significant for us? It's because we can now 'hear' the universe. So far, scientists have been able to witness the after effects of black holes. With the advent of gravitational waves, the inception, progression and death of a black hole can be observed and heard. The universe can now be explored in the dimensions not thought of yet. Intriguing. Isn't?

It's a very significant discovery, validating the correctness of Albert Einstein's Relativity theory. Until recently, physicists considered black holes were conjecture/scientific speculation. However, the discovery of gravitational waves would confirm the existence of Black Holes. So, what are gravitational waves? When masses of size of black holes, collide, they generate tremendous energy, in a form that causes ripples of space-time, the very fabric of the universe. 

Gravity has the properties of light. It travels at the speed of light 1,86,000 miles per second. Light is the fastest travelling phenomenon in the universe discovered yet. It appears that Gravity and light exchange their properties. 

Stars are fuelled by nuclear fuel. As they burn they exhaust their nuclear fuel and eventually run out of it and sometimes explodes, which is what is called a supernova explosion and give birth to stars. Sometimes when a star exhausts their nuclear fuel, they die by becoimg a black hole. Two processes occur simultaneously when a star's nuclear fuel is exhausted - an explosion and an implosion. When a star's mass gets denser because of its nuclear fuel exhaustion, it leaves iron at its core as leftovers, which gets denser and the star's diameter eventually becomes just a few kilometers in width. In effect, it cannot contain itself and explodes, which is otherwise known as supernova explosion (in the case of a giant dying star). The remanants of the supernova explosion sometimes give birth to stars. Simultaneously, the star is also undergoing an implosion. The iron that settled at the core, pulls the star inwards. Thus, an enormous graviational pull is created, which shrinks the star to a spacetime singularity called black hole. 

Precisely, when a star exhausts it's nuclear fuel by burning it for a considerable length of time, say billions of years, it gets denser and denser, simultaneously it warps or bends it's space-time around it. When it gets very dense, a few kilometers across in diameter, it cannot contain it's mass anymore, it explodes, which is called a supernova explosion. Consequently, the remainder of the star implodes and becomes a Black Hole. The remanants of a supernova explosion sometimes give birth to stars and some wander or remain in the space as dust and gas.

Why do I ask is now the past, the present or the future? 
We understand that when stars exhaust their nuclear fuel, it's gravity takes precedence. It pulls the star's mass towards inside to a point where implosion happens. How? As a star consumes it's nuclear fuel, it leaves iron at its core as leftover, which gets condensed and condensed. Consequently, over a period of time, it's mass reaches a threshold level, and 
starts pulling the star inwards - an implosion. Thus, an enormous gravitational pull is created. Subsequently, because of the enormous gravitational pull the mass of the star gets reduced to almost zero. It sounds simple. Isn't? But it's rather complex in the physical realm of the universe. 

Technically, when a star's nuclear fuel is exhausted. Its gravitational pull not only shrinks it's mass but warps the space-time of the star to a singularity. The fabric the universe is made up of space and time get merged and almost become nothing (it is a misnomer though) in other words singularity, where the laws of classical physics or the general theory of relativity break then the quatum physics takes over. The apparent physical reality, space and time we exist in cease to exist in a singularity. 

As we are aware, anything can enter (provided it has the capacity to enter) the singularity of the black hole but nothing can come back. It is speculated that everything goes into another realm - multiverse. Or, another dimension we can't comprehend yet. 

This entire episode of implosion, death and the creation of a black hole happens in matter of  seconds. Why and how? 

According to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, Time is one of the fundamental building blocks of the universe and each part of the universe has its own time, rather space-time. Even though, universe really doesn't have a clock, time exists. How? The evolution of the consitutents of the unvierse is what is called time. And, as far as humans are concerned the biological evolution is called time. 
Physicists claim one millisecond in a black hole corresponds to billions of years elsewhere, perhaps in the planet Earth. Having said that, while the process of the birth of a black hole happens in a few seconds, it unfolds as an event occuring for billions of years when the light entering from that event enters or viewed from Earth. 

It is for one primary reason that space is enormous. The universe can't be defined or demarcated. The gravitational wave emerging from a black hole or a light coming from a distant star or viewed by us in the planet earth using a naked human eye or a telescope is not now but the past. Therefore, NOW IS THE PAST. 

Remember, light or gravitational wave travels at the speed of 186,000 miles per second, yet the light or gravitational wave from a celestial event happened billions of years ago reaches us now. NOW IS THE PAST.  When we look up into the cosmos. 

So, when is now the present? 

The light coming from a relatively close object, perhaps in the planet Earth, the now is really "The Now". In other words, wherever we are in the universe, the now is where we are. What's happening elsewhere is neither the past, present or the future. Because each part of the universe has its own space-time. Because of this reason, arguably there is really no past, present or future in the universe. 

Then, how is now the future? 

Remember, time runs slow when the gravity is strong. It is possibly the reason why astronomers and physicists claim that one millisecond in a black hole equals to billions of years on planet Earth or any other planetary object or star for that matter. Paradoxically, time runs faster in a black hole because of stronger gravity and time runs slower in planet Earth because of relatively low gravity. Why is gravity strong in a black hole? Because after a star's nuclear fuel is exhausted it's gravity takes overs and shrinks the star to a space-time singularity. It takes enormous amount of gravity to shrink a planetary object or a star that big to a singularity. Hence, gravitational pull is stronger or strongest in a black hole. 

Then, why do we say time runs slower in a black hole? It is because of the reason that stronger gravity manipulates the biological human body's metabolism. Therefore, the cells process it's feed or information or food slowly. Cells age slowly. Cells evolve slowly from the process of birth to death. 

Now, what is time? A unit of measurement is needed to measure the evolution, aging, existence and death of a biological and non biological or organic and inorganic, rather living and non-living things. Thus, time came into existence with human intervention. As some astronomers or physicists claim time is not one of the fundamental building blocks of the universe, is what the argument i'm putting forward. I must submit that I only have conceptual or superficial understanding of physics, still I differ with Albert Einstein on the aspect of existence of time. 

Technically, time runs faster in a black hole that's why what happens in a millisecond in a black hole transpires in a billion of years on the planet Earth or viewed from the horizon (event horizon) of a black hole. What it implies is that if someone or something is capable of travelling at the speed of light and has the ability to resist the enormous gravitational pull of a black hole, where even light can't escape from its pull and manage to view the formation of a black hole, you have practically seen the future (but it is actually a "now" near a black hole) when you witness the same event again from planet Earth. It means that you are witnessing the formation of the same black hole twice. You went near the black hole (a dying star which is going to become a black hole) and saw it's formation, which is a future from the perspective of viewing it from Planet Earth. Therefore, NOW IS THE FUTURE. Then you come back to Planet Earth and manage to stay alive for billions of years and witness the formation of the same black hole, which is present from the perspective of Planet Earth. 

Why do I say Time doesn't exist in the physical universe? . 
Time is an illusion. Even though, its existence can be mathematically verified or backed by Albert Einstein's 'Theory of Relativity', I'm of the view that 'Time' is an illusion as it is a human intervention same as language, culture etc. I have someone who supports me though. You may access the below link if you choose to know. 

I'm not a mathematician nor a physicist, but and an enthusiast of space and a thinker, and intuitively felt that time doesn't exist and is an illusion. I was talking about this couple of days ago, that same day, leading theoretical physicist, Brain Greene, as part of his video blog series confirmed the same.

Time is not perennial, claims physicist, Brain Greene. Perhaps, yes. What does it mean for our daily lives? I'd say 'Time' just replays itself, and does not really flow as we have thought of.


February 17, 2018
A massive Blackhole, with mass four million times that of our sun, is at the center of our galaxy, the MilkyWay. Even though, its gravity is pulling everything towards it, including light, its sheer pull is what keeping the galaxy intact. The black hole has never been photographed, it is not possible to do so in visible wavelengths, but in radio waves. A project named 'Event Horizon Telescope', a collaboration of telescopes from various parts of our world, and scientists and graduates from prestigious institutes, likes of MIT and Harvard, have joined together in the process of imaging our Blackhole. The idea that we would be able to view and study the black hole is incredibly fascinating as black holes or astronomically, space-time singularity is the origin of the universe.

September 18, 2015:

400 million times mass of the sun is the density of a black hole sitting at the very heart of our galaxy ' Milky Way '. Then, imagine its incredible gravitational pull. Therefore, now, its scientifically proven that black holes exist. Its the black hole's gravity that keeps the galaxy intact, which means its gravitational pull keeps the star systems on its path, without getting collided with each other. Ironically, the same black hole is capable of pulling the entire galaxy into its end point ' Singularity ', and everything ceases to exist, even light cannot escape. So, what is going to happen next? Astrophysicists, scientists, and scholars are working to know what's next. The picture is not the actual black hole at the center of our galaxy, its the Gargantua from Interstellar.

September 24, 2016:
Well, let's recall the sequence from Interstellar, where, Cooper detaches Endeavor and Tars, and they fall into Gargantua (Black hole) - the yellowish round disc is event horizon. Now, you would have got an idea about the sheer size of event horizon of Gargantua. Astronomically, the event horizon of black hole of galaxy NGC 1277 is wider than our solar system, and its mass is equivalent of 17 billion suns. Perplexed!
Galaxy NGC 1277´s supermassive black hole, 250 million light-years away, has a mass of about 17 billion suns and an event horizon far wider than our solar system. 

Credit: NASA / ESA / Andrew C. Fabian (MPIA)
The mouth (astronomically called #eventhorizon)of this Black Hole of the galaxy NGC1277 equals our solar system in size. Imagine, how big that star was before going into supernova explosion? How big that galaxy is? How big our universe is? The answer is bewildering and beyond comprehension, yet we humans think we are invincible. This black hole validates my theory that "No pne is invincible and everyone falls when their validity expires."

October 2, 2020:
If you step out from the confinement of your home or wherever you are and look up (2nd October, 2020) what you would see is the red planet of our solar system, Mars in a close rendezvous, with Moon, the only satellite of Planet Earth. The question is what do you see "now", is astrnomically the present or the past or the future? Well, the answer is: it is a combination of everything. How? It is speculated here:
October 3, 2020:
If you step out from the confinement of your home or wherever you are and look up (3rd October, 2020) what you would see is the Ice giant of our solar system, Uranus in a close rendezvous, with Moon, the only satellite of Planet Earth. The question is what do you see "now", is astrnomically the present or the past or the future? Well, the answer is: it is a combination of everything. How? It is speculated here:
October 4, 2020:
Interstellar View:
If you step out from the confinement of your home or wherever you are and look up (4th October, 2020) what you would see is a red gaint star of our Milky Way galaxy, Arcturus, appearing to be 
in a rendezvous, with Moon, the only natural satellite of Planet Earth but, 37 light years away. What it means is that if someone can travel at the speed of light, which is 1,86,000 miler per second, it would take 37 years to reach that star, yet visible to human naked eye in the nights because it's  massive with diameter greater than 25 times of our Sun. The question is what do you see "#now", is astronomically the #present or the #past or the #future? Well, the answer is: it is a combination of everything. How? It is speculated here:

October 18, 2017:
For the very first time in the history of human science, on August 17, 2017 terrestrial and space observatories worked in tandem and detected not only the elusive gravitational wave emitted from the merger of two neutron stars but the light emitted from the source 130 million light years away from Earth. Yes, it took 130 million years for the light emitted from the source travelling at 186,000 miles per second to reach Earth. Just imagine how big our universe is. The emission was composed of heavy particles like Gold and Platinum. This phenomenon is called 'Kilonova'.

Why is the discovery of Gravitational Waves so significant for us? It's because we can now 'hear' the universe. So far, scientists have been able to witness the after effects of the black hole. With the advent of gravitational waves, the inception, progression and death of a black hole can be observed and heard. The universe can now be explored in the dimensions not thought of yet. Intriguing. Isn't?
It's a very significant discovery, validating the correctness of Albert Einstein's Relativity theory. Until now, physicists considered black holes were conjecture/scientific speculation. However, the discovery of gravitational waves would confirm the existence of Black Holes. So, what are gravitational waves? When masses of size of black holes, collide, they generate tremendous energy, in a form that causes ripples of space-time, the very fabric of the universe. 

Video credit: NASA Goddard

October 30 and 31, 2020:

If you step out from the confinement of your home or wherever you are and look up (30th and 31st October, 2020) what you would see is the red planet of our solar system, Mars in a close rendezvous, with Moon, the only natural satellite of Planet Earth. The question is what do you see "now", is astrnomically the present or the past or the future? Well, the answer is: it is a combination of everything. How? It is speculated here:

20 November 2020:
A Rare Astronmical Event: Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. 

Reportedly, the conjunction of the two largest gaseous planets of our star system (solar system) Jupiter and Saturn can be seen by human naked eye from Planet Earth today and tomorrow (20th and 21st November 2020). Now the question remains: The event you are gazing now is actually the now (present), past or future? The answer is speculated above:
Forgive the quality of the picture as I don't have a telescope but a midlevel smartphone. Even though, Saturn was visible, the camera that I have is not as effective as a telescope or a high end smartphone camera. Do step out, and look South East to the moon, if the night sky is clear you may get to gaze Saturn and Jupiter. The brightest among the two is Jupiter and the fainter is Saturn. 
If you desire to understand more of gravitational waves, black holes and space time singularity, i would suggest you to read on the blogs I had written earlier. Here are the links:
November 21, 2020:
If you step out from the confinement of your home or wherever you are and look up (21st November 2020) what you would see are the two largest gaseous planets of our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn in conjunction and in a rendezvous, with Moon. The brightest is Jupiter and the fainter is Saturn, which is not visible thanks to my smartphone camera. 
The question is what do you see "now", is astronomically the present or the past or the future? Well, the answer is: it is a combination of everything. How? It is speculated above:
The last 2808 hours have been running slow for me. Although, I'm not travelling fast in relative to my environment, time is slow for me. It's not psychological. Perhaps, the concept of time dilation is working in isolation for me. Because I'm nearing an event horizon of a black hole. 

While I do not hold a doctorate in astrophysics, it does not deter me from imagining to be an astrophysicist. Indian astrophysicist "C. V. Vishveshwara" mathematically predicted the outcome of the merger or collision of black holes, which is like the sound coming from a ringing bell. Albert Einstein's relativity theory's correctness could be validated a century later of its inception, when LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) detected gravitational waves (gravitational force unleashed from merger of black holes, which bends the space-time fabric like waves) detected gravitational waves. Unlike Einstein, who was recognised posthumously, C. V. Vishveshwara lived to see his theory working in reality when gravitational waves were detected. It appears that my theory of "Is now the past, present or the future?" would be comprehended posthumously. 

Gravitational Waves:

Black Holes and The Science of Interstellar:

On the occasion of one year since the reincarnation of the man responsible for my existence on planet Earth and the contents of the electronic avatar - an introspection, "Mind of BT", attaining the binary state of 1100100, I have speculated a theory, which agrees and disagrees with Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity especially the aspect of time. 

This theory is a conceptual and intuitive and is not backed up by equations and mathematics yer. It is a work in process theory and will be a never ending work. 

While the clock maker's partially successful endeavor in building a time machine so as to protect his loved ones, resulted in the universe split into a multiples of three realities, the intend on building a time machine to deter an event from happening in the past and to alter the future is stalled. Because, it appears that the universe is reluctant in helping me build one.
19 October, 2021:
I set a reminder to call someone at 02:45 hours. I never made the call. .Because, the reminder never went on. But, I woke up at 02:45 hours to the reminder I actually never set.

24 October 2021:
The neural network of my time travel portal was entangled and lost in the quantum universe. It had to be relied on Japanese engineers to reinstate the repaired component. Now, it has travelled back to the macro universe where you all exist. And, the time traveller who was depressed and lost in the abyss is back and wearing the portal.
Even though, Albert Einstein was persistent about time being an illusion. And, there is no past, present and future. On his death bed, he denied medical intervention, and stressed "Now" is his time to go. 
Then, what is time? I have attempted to question in the blog. 

While time travel to the past is a challenge, time  travel to the future is a real scientific possibility. I have conceptualized a possible solution, which is inspired by physicist Albert Einstein's "Theory of Relativity".

Science stems from science fiction!

I have always reasoned that science fiction gives birth to science fact, mostly it does. This notion of mine is not only rejected by the art and the literature admirers but the academics as well. When I conceptualized a theory based on Albert Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" for my son's first birthday as a trigger to indulge him in physics and cosmos (I must submit that the theory was path breaking still it had substance) , it was declined to be published by a science journal citing that not suitable for their journal. However, the idea that I saw in the films "Armageddon" and "Deep Impact" in the year 1998 has sort of become a reality.

Welcome to the Planetary Defence System:
I have a unique blend of aspirations of studying and becoming a soldier of the second world era and gazing the cosmos by becoming an astronaut. Thanks to films like Saving Private Ryan, The Thin Red Line, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Contact, Interstellar etc, I watched, which kind of instilled this idea into my subconscious. Thus, I qualify to work for the office of the Planetary Defence System.

Today, 26th September 2022, NASA's DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Technology) spacecraft, travelling at the speed of 14,000 miles per hour was intentionally made to collide with an asteroid named "Dimorphos", deflected it and consequently changed its orbit. Thus, if an asteroid or a comet were to collide with our Planet Earth, it's path could be possibly altered with DART. This is what was precisely the plot of films "Armageddon" and "Deep Impact", released way back in 1998 and has interestingly become a reality.

Today, 26th September 2022, NASA's DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Technology) spacecraft, travelling at the speed of 14,000 miles per hour was intentionally made to collide with an asteroid named "Dimorphos", deflected it and consequently changed its orbit. Thus, if an asteroid or a comet were to collide with our Planet Earth, its path could be possibly altered with DART. This is what was precisely the plot of films "Armageddon" and "Deep Impact", released way back in 1998 and has interestingly become a reality.

The Theory:

The story of a Spacefarer:

While the cosmos is 13.8 billion years old, today is 10110110110 days since inception
- the reincarnation.
Is Now The Past, The Present or The Future?

Authored by Balaji Thangapandian aka #BT - a spacefarer, who is also curious about film-making, connectivity technologies and military history.

 External Study Materials:
