Character Study | Mohan Bhargav

As a part of his work at NASA, he studies the changes in the weather system across the world, with the hopes of predicting and eradicating the water crisis. He comes to his homeland in search of his nanny because he feels that he has deserted her. In the process of persuading her to come with him, he learns that a significant proportion of the country is divided and deprived of the basic amenities. He realizes that only if the changes are made at the grassroots levels through self governance will the people have the necessities. He gets himself rid of his seemingly sophisticated life and gets on the ground.

The years 2001 to 2005 was the boring part of my existence as I was reading engineering. I never thought, I could put anything into use, because of the environment. The only way to rejuvenate my mind was to visit my holy places, Madurai Mappillai Vinayagar and Manicka Vinayagar (Sri Mappillai Vinayagar) theatres. That day in 2004, I was very low. I didn't go home. I directly got down at the theater (Manicka Vinayagar) from the college bus and watched this film. 195 minutes were an introspection and an eye opener. I realized that I could do something useful by doing whatever I can to whomever I can. Moreover, I could relate to the traits of the lead character, both at NASA and in the village.

.Authored by Balaji Thangapandian aka #BT - a spacefarer, who is also curious about film-making, connectivity technologies and military history.
