Does Mars have Water?

Does Mars have water?

Liquid water is essential for any organic form's survival, especially humans. The white dot below the moon on 23 August 2018 night sky was not a star, it was the red planet, #Mars. Recently, it was found that just 4 meters below the Martian surface, liquid water most likely exists. We humans have exhausted the water resources beyond the replenishment levels in most parts of the planet Earth.Let us find means to identify and colonize habitable planets, else our generation will not survive on Earth.

#Liquidwater in #Mars found?

Through observational evidence and samples, it was established earlier that Mars had liquid water. I have been continually saying that the prerequisite for organic life on any planet is the presence of liquid water. However, because of the changes in the composition of its atmosphere, the surface of the red planet became inhospitable to life, consequently, water dried. Now, European Space Agency's (ESA) spacecraft '#MarsExpress' using its radar, '#MARSIS', has discovered the presence of a liquid water lake 1.5 km beneath the Martian surface.It is estimated to be 20 KMS across.

Does this mean that Mars had or has life? Studies are being carried out to ascertain it. I always say, planet Earth has already reached its saturation and short of resources. It's time another planet is found to ensure continuity of humans as a species. Else, we perish here.

Pictured here is the planet Mars (Credit: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration / ESA - European Space Agency)

Possible Liquid Water Lake in the southern pole of Mars.

I'm a #Martian now!
I have always wanted to leave planet Earth because neither do I like humans nor do humans like me. Thank you very much indeed #NASA  for making me a Martian. After all, I'm a spacefarer.

My boarding pass to #Mars!
On 20th July 2020, I will be departing planet Earth to the red planet, Mars. Thank you very much indeed #NASA for helping in realising my aspiration of becoming a spacefarer.

Here is how you can also go to Mars:

Pictured here is the '#MarsOpposition' and '#TotalLunarEclipse' in progress.

The pale white dot to the south east of the Moon, is the red planet, Mars. In actuality, it appears brighter, larger and reddish than this output of an inferior smartphone camera.

The night of 27 July, 2018 was of paramount importance for everyone, especially Stargazers. Because of two celestial events happened in tandem - Mars opposition and Lunar Eclipse. Let's understand them. Earth's orbit comes in between the Sun and Mars. When it does, Mars is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit. Therefore, when viewed from Earth, Mars is in opposition. It appears unusually larger in size and reddish. Hence, the name 'Mars Opposition'.The Moon enters into the Earth's shadow, thus becomes dark. But, the sunlight refracted from Earth's atmosphere, falling on the moon, makes it appear red in color, when viewed from Earth. This is event is named 'Lunar Eclipse'.

I wish I had a telescope. I would be able to attain peace by witnessing this rare astronomical event closer, bigger and better than viewing through naked eye or my inferior smartphone camera.

Authored by
Balaji Thangapandian aka #BT - a spacefarer, who is also curious about film-making, connectivity technologies and military history.

This article is about:
Mars, Liquid Water in Mars, Mars Opposition, Martian, Total Lunar Eclipse, Mars 2020, NASA, National Aeronautics Space Administration, MarsExpress, MARSIS, European Space Agency

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