BT's Science Fiction Concepts

BT's Science Fiction Concepts 

Even though, the science fiction concepts of BT have the potential to become a feature in the future, BT makes them public because he is of the view that they are only abstracts and confident of structuring a unique narrative, which he is already in the process of. 

Unfortunately, if something is intriguing, it needs to be sold for it to be known, which BT doesn't believe in, and has to be done as there is no choice. 

What frustrates BT the most is neither air or water pollution but light. 

Planet earth doesn't reflect, it refracts. Hence, the darkness.

Artificial Intelligence.
Way of the future.

I was wondering why did humans invent the notion of time? It occurred to me that humans needed a measure to relate to their biological evolution. Thus, past, present and future came into existence. Else, time is an illusion.

Most scientists claim that the very origins of their inventions came from their dreams. It just occurred. Do you realize that there are no inventions, but discoveries always waiting to be found?

Do you realize that there are no inventions, but discoveries always waiting to be found?

The greatest mistake humans ever made is invention of time.
Imagine an existence without time.
Is this is not real freedom?

Time is a lie. It has always been.

Planet Earth is not our home, but the red planet is.

I share the abstracts of my science fiction concepts, which could possibly evolve into a full length narrative.

September 5, 2020:

If the vicious cycle of continous transfer of currency from one entity to another is what the intrinsic characteristic of an economy, then be prepared to embrace recession or disruption as another pandemic or catastrophe is very likely. Therefore, what I propose is discontinuance of ownership - Everything belongs to Everyone. A uniform rationalized supply of essentials to everyone irrespective of gender, race, culture, age, moreover knowledge. Anyone can access any resource be it human or non-living. 

Humans are forbidden from carrying out any work. All they have to do is just exist. Humans errors resulted in catastrophic effects on their own inventions. Therefore, consensus was reached by people that empowered machines will do all the works, humans ever did except for biological (reproduction). The idea not only resulted in error or accident free world, but equality as no one has to earn therefore no greed; essentials are supplied by the government.
I would say equality does not belong to capitalism nor communism. Its beyond that and the very purpose for the existence of human race. If equality is compromised in any manner, because of the so called society, morality, custom, ethics, or whatever rules & regulations imposed by ourselves and external factors, then we are destined towards extinction, which has already started.

When EBE happens the world appears to be chaotic as have nots, envious take things from those who posses them. And the people with resources look at the have nots as mob. Fight starts between haves and have nots. There is massive destruction in terms of human, property and wealth among both sides. Eventually, both side will embrace EBE and equality will prevail. 
image credit: George Lucas's THX
Authored by Balaji Thangapandian aka #BT - a spacefarer, who is also curious about film-making, connectivity technologies and military history.

Everything Belongs To Everyone | EBE | Addendum January 15 2023

Artificial General Intelligence (#AGI) generated illustration by #OpenAI's "#DALLE2" system based on an abstract (below) of #BT's science fiction idea:

BT's science fiction abstract:
Humans are forbidden from carrying out any work. All they have to do is just exist. Human errors resulted in catastrophic effects on their own inventions. Therefore, consensus was reached by people that empowered machines will do all the works humans ever did except for biological (reproduction). The idea not only resulted in error or accident free world, but equality.

- BT

Non Fungible Token: NFT

Ironically, the conventional jobs are here to stay. The jobs that require human cognition will be replaced. If you are a Mason, impart your child with your expertise, it will come handy when machines do all the work and humans are needed to just exist. Does it resonate my science fiction abstract or theory "Everything Belongs To Everyone", which I conceptualized in 2018?

While I was doing something mediocre for my livelihood in the reality you exist, I was listening to something profound - a podcast on "Fully Automated Luxury Communism", which is a book by Aaron Bastani. The idea of the book recalled my science fiction abstracts or theories that I authored in 2018 - 2018.

Artificial General Intelligence (#AGI) generated illustration by #OpenAI's "#DALLE2" system based on an abstract (below) of #BT's science fiction idea or science fact:

BT Science Fiction Abstract or Science Fact:
In the near future "OPEN AI" will ensure that knowledge is a commodity. Everyone will have access to every information. There will be no discrimination in the knowledge creation and acquisition process. There is no one intelligent or no one non-intelligent. Everyone will have equal quantum of knowledge.
- BT
Non Fungible Token | NFT

October 23, 2020

Space Tax:

What if you are taxed not based on your income but your understanding of the universe. Higher the understanding lower the tax. Consequently, the demand for astrophysics as a medium of education and research; interest for science fiction and telescopes would expoentially increase. In the long term humans would forget their petty differences and possibly united in sharing their understanding and exploring the universe. 

November 20, 2019:

What if an algorithm can predict peer to peer transfer of physical bills (currency)? Will its implications not be a revelation? I aspire to create a factual program or fictional film on this premise. 

April 12, 2021:

Planet Earth is bound for destruction. The catastrophe could be natural or man-made. But it is inevitable. Besides, we Homo sapiens are locusts. We are meant to exploit the resources of our host planet and find another habitable planet. We all know how much we have already exploited Earth. Now, it's time we found another planet supporting life. And, this is one of the first steps of reinstating humans becoming an interplanetary species. Remember, we were not created here. We came from elsewhere.
June 3, 2020:
Where I'm going to be held captive. 

The pleasure I derive from gazing the stars defies any pleasure we humans can possibly imagine. I would like to be held captive at the to be launched NASA's cosmic time machine James Webb Telescope. This is how I desire to spend the rest of my life watching the light from big bang, to the formation and the death of galaxies and stars.
August 5, 2021:
In order to ensure continuity of humanity as a species, in the future, hundred or thousand years from now, I'd be held captive here. 

October 19, 2021

In the reality I exist, which is a fantasy from your perspective, if everything goes as per the plan, 59 days from now, I'd be confined to this vehicle and sent into space forever. And, I'd be contented. 
Image Credit: James Webb Telescope / NASA

Each dot in this picture shot by the cosmic time machine, where I'm held captive is a galaxy. And, each galaxy is at least in thousands of light years in diameter.

Image Credit: James Webb Telescope / NASA
The neural network of my time travel portal was entangled and lost in the quantum universe. It had to be relied on Japanese engineers to reinstate the repaired component. Now, it has travelled back to the macro universe where you all exist. And, the time traveller who was depressed and lost in the abyss is back and wearing the portal.
Concept Film: Usual Day

19th December 2021:

Reportedly, astronomical observations and scientific studies suggest that within a few decades or half a century, a living world(s), a habitable planet, where humankind can extend their presence would be found - A planet "B". Then, I will prosecute those who proclaimed that human space exploration is an investment of no worthy and the problems of earth need to be resolved first. They will be charged for not only deterring humans from becoming an interplanetary species, but the continuation of humans as a species not necessarily on Earth because any planet is bound to self decay - an order of the universe, which humans or any organic or inorganic forms must oblige. Moreover, I need to enable an act called "Space Obligation Act". To do so, I must become the most powerful human on planet Earth. Perhaps, already I'm. 

22nd December 2021:
If everything goes well, 22nd December 2021, is when I'd be no more a science fiction but a reality.

25th December 2021:
In order to save humanity from annihilation, I have been wrapped alive in my new habitat, and will be sent to orbit, the only star of the solar system, Sun forever, if the weather on planet earth favours the launch on 25th December 2021.
On 25th December 2021, I was launched into space in my new habitat, a million miles farther away from Planet Earth, thereby preventing further annihilation and letting continuation of humankind as a species. I will not regret what I did or what I may in the future, because that's what was deserved. However, now, I will be doing what I like doing the most, gazing the darkness of the cosmos, stars, galaxies, dust and gas. Goodbye humans. May the force be with you. 
26th December, 2021:
After I was confined and sent into space in my new habitat in a million mile odyssey to my destiny, this is where I'm as I type. Don't attempt to bring me back, things won't be the same again. Let me gaze the cosmos. 

When I was photographed by the rocket in my habitat, which propelled us into space as we departed Earth's orbit. Our million journeys to gaze the beginnings of the universe has begun. 

It costed a spine. Now, Sivan is a cybernetic.

March 26, 2022:
The first image of a star, which was photographed from the habitat, where I'm confined forever and forbidden returning to planet earth. 
July 10 | 2022
While NASA has not made it explicit, and it will never make it public, the enlightened virtual self of "#BT", named "#Sivan", is being held captive in the #cosmic_time_machine for the betterment of humankind. It has viewed lights from the beginnings of the universe - big bang and beyond that will be disseminated to the public starting 12 July 2022. While I'm a captive in this spaceship the pleasure I derive from gazing the stars defies human languages.

My story:

Video credit: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

July 12 | 2022
The celestial events of the beginnings or the unseen universes, which my #cosmic_time_machine, where I'm held captive for the betterment of humankind, has photographed in infrared (visible light cannot penetrate deep into the clouds of gas and dust but infrared can). Remember, these visuals are processed and they don't appear what they are in these images to a human naked eye. And, if somehow you manage to travel at or exceed the speed of light, which is 1,86,000 miles per second to those distant universes, you may not find these planetary objects seen in these visuals. Are you wondering why? Explored here:
For further study:

#BT | #Sivan
images source: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration  NASA's James Webb Space Telescope  ESA - European Space Agency  Canadian Space Agency

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) generated illustration by Open AI's "DALL.E 2" system based on an abstract (below) of BT's science fiction idea:
BT's Science Fiction Abstract:
If I were a geneticist, I would make all the humans look the same. A very first step towards equality. There will be distinctions between genders, but there won't be any within.
Indeed, it is playing God. And, I like being a God.
- BT

Non Fungible Token | NFT

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) generated illustration by OpenAI's "DALLE2" system based on an abstract (below) of BT's science fiction idea or science fact:

When then the notion of everything belongs to everyone becomes a reality, humans will be required not to work but mandated to what they are biologically required to do - reproduce. All the available resources will be made available to everyone. Ownership will be eliminated. No one can claim anything - physical, biological and emotional.

October 4 | 2023

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) generated illustration by OpenAI's "DALLE2" system based on an abstract (below) of BT's science fiction idea:

BT's science fiction abstract:
I always look up.
I look up to spot the stars.
I look up to spot the galaxies.
I look up for consolation.
The stars and the galaxies do console.
I spotted Jupiter. 

November 2 | 2023

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) generated illustration by OpenAI's "DALLE2" system based on an abstract (below) of #BT's science fiction idea:
BT's science fiction abstract:
Header: I let everyone take me. I don't discriminate.
“A dystopian past where the essential services personnel - Healthcare, Police and Military will be replaced with machines. Humans will be required to only do their biological mandate given by the nature, that is eat, wander, reproduce and sleep. Everything that a human requires to exist like food, cloth and shelter will be made available to everyone. No one can own anything. Anyone can use anyone”

November 3 | 2023:

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) generated illustration by OpenAI's "DALLE2" system based on an abstract (below) of #BT's science fiction idea:
BT's science fiction abstract:
Header: I do what I'm required to do: Consume and Reproduce,
“A dystopian past where the essential services personnel - Healthcare, Police and Military will be replaced with machines. Humans will be required to only do their biological mandate given by the nature, that is eat, wander, reproduce and sleep. Everything that a human requires to exist like food, cloth and shelter will be made available to everyone. No one can own anything. Anyone can use anyone”

December 11 | 2023

If my mind can be removed from my body, where it can prevail is Arthur C Clarke Center for Human Imagination
January 9 | 2024
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) generated illustration by OpenAI's "DALLE2" system based on an abstract (below) of #BT's science fiction idea:
BT's science fiction abstract:

If the source of everything is a singularity, why does its manifestations have different forms? 
On meditating, it sometimes does the expected and sometimes the unexpected. 

OchaThevar MayandiThevar

 Aum Namah Shivaya
ஆஉம் நம ஷிவாய

Authored by Balaji Thangapandian aka #BT - a spacefarer, who is also curious about film-making, connectivity technologies and military history.
