Serendipitous Encounters: Dreamers

Serendipitous Encounters: Dreamers

What feeds me absolutely doesn't have anything to do with my aspirations of a spacefarer, an indie storyteller and a tech starter, but the universe conspires and continues to impart me with wisdom absolutely essential to my aspirations. I can't act, though.

My livelihood demands to be in the field throughout the day and extended hours in the night. I do not find time to think that I can't think. Yet, on 29th of September 2019, I found time to have a glass of tea. A paper was wrapped under the glass to endure the heat. Incidentally, that paper was an article about an Indian origin CERN scientist, who is working hard to understand the origins of the universe. Serendipitous. I believe in serendipity. That's how I have learned so far and I will continue to do so. Did this incident really happened or was I dreaming? I don't know.

I discover ideas or remember, when I'm not awake.

Conflict between the conscious and the subconscious minds: The dreamer inside me is only thinking of the past, thinker does the opposite. In this battle, the real me is lost on the present, perplexed of time, unable to distinguish between fiction and reality. 

I check if I'm dreaming or sleeping, while I'm sleeping or dreaming.

Dreams are a reminder that we are alive as loosing consciousness while sleeping is  equivalent to being dead. Therefore, I'm afraid to sleep or dream. Yet, I dream.

Following are the compilations of my dreams, which are not comprehensive as there will be addendums. Moreover, each dream has the potential to be a short or a feature I suppose. Hence, the introductory title short.

Short: #DreamersVol1 - #AFatalMistake (2018)
I knew it was a fatal mistake, still I did because I could experience the 'G' force for the very first time. I had that thing. I don't remember it exactly what it was. I entered the escape pod and punched the button said 'release'. I was scared, so I closed my eyes, in moments I started feeling the gravitational pull of the planet Earth. I thought I'd be rescued. As my pod hit the ocean, I was hooked by a rescue ship.

I was taken to a base station, a commanding officer was quickly dressing as I approached the room. It was her. What did she say? I'm not able to recall. I was given a villa type room. But, there was a monkey like creature, already occupying. I forced it to leave. I kept the door open and chased, it left only after breaking some seemingly expensive glassware.

Soon, someone else knocked, claiming that the room belonged to them. I couldn't respond because I woke up.

Short: #DreamersVol2 - #ASpaceFly (2018)
It was the first time I could spot the International Space Station (ISS) through my naked eyes flying past over my home. It was spectacular, bright and massive. It abruptly started descending as if it was going to fall on me. Then, it ascended, with thick smoke coming from its exhaust, like a race biker rising their throttle. Gradually, it reduced itself to an altitude and size, which I could grab it with my hand, like the way we catch a fly. And, I did. Only then did I realize that it was a mini satellite with a label reading 'Weather Tracker - made in Kenya'. I didn't know whom to report.

I woke up. It was 05:50 hours IST, Monday, 27th August 2018.

Short: #DreamersVol3: #AMoon (2017)
What I feared or dreamt of happening on October 25, 2017 sort of happened in reality on the evening of November 18, 2017.                     
What did I dream of?

The sky was dark red. The sun was setting in. I was gazing it with fear through my naked eye from an elevation. In a split second, a flash of light appeared, it was so intense, my vision was impaired. It was the moon. Soon, its appearance was accompanied by heavy thunders and rain. I was terrified and shouted for help. I was deserted. Then, I realized that I was dreaming.

Short:#DreamersVol4 - #AnEquation (2016)
I just woke up from dreaming appearing for engineering mathematics paper II. For three hours, my neck was dropped. Friends thought I had fully prepared and writing, and they envied too. Indeed, I was writing. But, only I knew the fact that, I was developing my hypothesis for mathematics. I never wrote anything irrelevant - cinema, sports etc, nor anything extracted from text books. They were all, my versions of engineering theories, I engineered answers. I thought, I would never clear the paper, even, the engineering degree itself. Shockingly, I cleared that paper and degree as well. Thanks to graceful professors, who evaluated my theories for 4 years. It all happened 14 years back. However, the dream was quite surreal, and I felt it was happening right now.

19 October, 2021:

I set the reminder to call someone at 02:45 hours. I never made the call. .Because, the reminder never went on. But, I woke up at 02:45 hours to the reminder I actually never set.

According to Cambridge dictionary, the meaning of Serendipity is "the fact of finding interesting or 
valuable things by chance".

A dream is a chance. A chance is something we are not in control of. Are we in control of our dreams?

Dreams are serendipitous.

"About half of all great discoveries are purely 


While what I do for livelihood doesn't have anything to do with my interests, serendipitous encounters have always imparted me knowledge related to my interests. Therefore, I have always and will believe in chance. 

The cosmos works in a weird way. It does help me in acquiring knowledge of my interests. It does not help me in manifesting my interests. What am I going to do, if all I have is knowledge but not getting an opportunity to exhibit? 

My erstwhile friend, "The Economist", is invariably a serendipity. Earlier, this week, I wrote a column about the legendary "Ian Fleming", a second world war veteran and the author of British's coveted spy, James Bond in my blog. A day later, my friend offers me details on the most important books ever written on espionage.

October 18 | 2024
Yesterday, towards the dusk, i was standing in the backyard  of our home "Thangapandian Kudil',  and i spotted it. I yelled, i have finally spotted it. It was so vivid. We the Pandians and the Thevar siblings got excited.  For a moment, it appeared to be watching us, changed its orbit, came towards us, photographed and went back to its orbit. It was the International Space Station (ISS).
And, i woke up.

Authored by Balaji Thangapandian aka #BT - a spacefarer, who is also curious about film-making, connectivity technologies and military history.
