Was Mars our original home?

Was #Mars our original home? 
Lately, traces of organic matter were detected in the red planet by NASA. Let's remember that this is apart from the breakthrough discovery of evidence of presence of liquid water in the distant past of Mars. A combination of organic matter and liquid water can potentially give birth to life. Does it not imply that Mars had life? 

A joint mission between #NASA, #Roscosmos (Russian Space Agency), and #ESA (European Space Agency), has shrunk a chemistry lab, named '#MOMA' (Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer) to the possible size of fitting in a rover (#ExoMarsRover), scheduled to be launched in 2020 to further explore the hostile surface of Mars, with the objective of identifying more vital clues of the organic matter. 

I'm of the view that Planet Earth can't be the only habitable planet in the universe, which possesses liquid water, a prerequisite for organic forms, there could be many. We humans are inherently locusts, furthermore, we have already exhausted the resources of Earth, it's time we found another planet, it could be Mars within the solar system or any other planet in our host milky way or distant galaxies. 

This discovery reinforces my theory that Mars supported life because of the presence of organic matter and liquid water in the past. Humans were in the Mars. Only after exhausting it's resources did we inhabit planet Earth. 

Video: MOMA and ExoMarsRover explained . (credit: NASA, ESA)

It's been theorized that asteriods brought water, organic and hazardous elements, most importantly, life, not only to earth, but other planets of solar system. I think the probabilities are higher. Besides, scientific studies of asteroids suggest that elements​ available in earth are what most of the asteroids are composed of. This theory suggests that none of the planets of our solar system is our original home. We came from elsewhere. Moreover, only the asteriods know of our original home. It could be within solar system or even beyond our galaxy milky Way. 

Authored by Balaji Thangapandian aka #BT - a spacefarer, who is also curious about film-making, connectivity technologies and military history.

For understanding of NASA's examinations of asteroids:

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