

Can a spy infiltrate and become a deputy minister of defence of their enemy? Can a spy become a close ally of the president of their enemy nation? It did happen. Moreover, it happened for real. 

He was an Egyptian Jew, who immigrated to Israel with the aspirations of working for one of the most efficient secret agencies of the world Israel's Mossad. His eagerness was not invited, with the reception he hoped for. He was denied. With the tensions mounting between Israel and Syria at the border, he was decided to be screened. He was rejected not because he didn't have the expertise, but he had everything required to be a spy in abundance. He had the instinct to be an agent. 

It was feared that his eagerness could jeopardize the operation. However, he went on to become a part of a league of very few agents who successfully infiltrated an enemy and become an integral member of their governments. His flamboyancy and innate abilities, not only attracted the attention of wealthy businessmen, but the politicians and military generals of Syria. He disguised as a wealthy businessman engaged in exports and imports, discreetly funded by Israel and began his journey from Buones Aires.

After having successfully developed a relationship with the Syrian diplomat, gaining confidence from the Syrian expat community with the aid of his money and instinctively good interpersonal skills and having another diplomat killed for suspecting of espionage, with letters of recommendations, he goes to Damascus. He positions himself as an elite, hires a suite styled apartment, throws party, liquor, women and befriends military generals. He persuades them to take him to the secretly guarded military installations at the border. He even helps the revolutionaries overthrow the government. 

His attitude and aptitude set him apart from any other agent in the entire secret service community, but it was what caught him in action. He earned the trust of the new president of Syria, his friend from Buones Aires, to the level of entrusting him the defence ministry. Imagine, a Mossad agent of Israel, becoming the deputy minister of defence of Syria, Israel's rival. What unfolded next was an error he made because of his eagerness. His transmission of invaluable information mostly happened through morse codes at a certain time. 

Since inception of his disguise, he was suspected by a security head of leaking vital information. With the help of soviet supplied radio detection equipment, he was caught in the act - transmitting vital information to Israel. Despite the warning of Mossad of radio silence, he transmitted because the information was key. Consequently, he was tortured, executed in public, and his body was never returned to Israel. 

This character study is apolitical and solely based on the Netflix series of "#TheSpy" (2019), starring #SachaBaronCohen as the real life #EliCohen.

