

He gave birth to the computer age. In 1945, he designed one of the world's first computers. An original thinker, whose ideas laid foundation for modern computing some 60 years back. A mathematical genius, who first envisioned Artificial Intelligence (AI). Hence, considered to be the real father of AI. Main architect of code breaking efforts of the German's Enigma machine during world war II. He was instrumental in finding ways not only to break them, but use it to deceive enemy forces. His efforts saved innumerable lives of allied nations. 

First mathematical biologist to provide mathematical equations for patterns and stripes found in petals of plants' flowers and animals' bodies. Essentially, he was an expert in everything he had interests in. However, his end was unfortunate. He was convicted for gross indecency because of the fact that he was a male homosexual, consequently chemically castrated (Homosexuality was an offence then in England). He was tormented. Had he lived longer and his government given him the recognition he deserved, the course of British science would have changed, and he would have had made more breakthrough scientific inventions for the betterment of humanity. He committed suicide when he was 41. 
Later in 2009, British government duly recognized him and his accomplishments.
If a soundtrack can describe the emotions of a troubled mind, which invents to save lives, then this theme composed by versatile musician #AlexandreDesplat for #MortenTyldum's '#TheImitationGame' (2014) is the answer.


