Who is "The One"?

As in the fiction Matrix by Wackowski Sisters and maverick Elon Musk claims, what if our world is a simulation of an intelligent species elsewhere? Perhaps, this pandemic can be cured with some changes to the code. 

“Every idea we’ve ever had in our entire lives is in this film."

 WackowskiSisters on Matrix (1999)

He writes programs, but he didn't realize that he himself is programmed to exist, until he is awakened from the sleep. He is reluctant in accepting the prophecy that he is 'The One', meant to awaken humanity. Only when he risks his life to save the life of the loved ones, does he realize in the prophecy. Eventually, he saves, but dies making the prophecy true. However, his soul prevails by becoming the vital energy of the machines. All of this happens, in the future, where humans don't control machines but machines do.

 Neo, ThenOne? 

He is awakened. His purpose is to awaken others from their sleep. He believes in the prophecy that 'The One' will awaken everyone enslaved from their sleep. He helps in choosing the path between reality and dreams. He is a protector and a warrior who fights for his people's liberation. All of this happens, in the future, where humans don't control machines but machines do.


He is a sentinel, whose purpose is to deter anyone from getting awakened. No program can pass through him, and he can become any program. He is reluctant in believing the prophecy that 'The One' will be the liberator. Ironically, he is a peacekeeper, who doesn't want the harmony of existing in dreams to be disrupted. He chooses to give up eventually, with the hope that all will be rebooted. All of this happens, in the future, where humans don't control machines but machines do.

Agent Smith

Matrix indeed made me go mad. It was released when we were in 10th std at school. We couldnt even comprehend a scene. But it was made so intriguing, we got obsessed and watched the trilogy at Madurai Mappilai Vinayagar Theatre. Our obsession went to the extend of discussing & understanding the plot, characters, dialogues during our classroom sessions in XI & XII std. It never stopped. And we are always curious about Matrix & Neo. And thank you very much indeed Wackowshi Brothers now, Wackowshi Sisters for imagining something incredible and yet simple about human existance.

Wachowsk iSisters metaphysical take on artificial intelligence 'Matrix' released 22 years ago on 31st March 1999. Not only did it change the course of science fiction but action cinema. It was released on the same day at my holy place Madurai Sri Mappillai Vinayagar theatre. I skipped my 11th standard final examination and went to this film. Had I attended the examination and skipped watching Matrix, perhaps I would have passed the 11th standard but not got enlightened. However, the fact remains that I did pass the 11th standard the same year.

Wachowski Sisters, I share my mind with them. Their works represent my character. 

I appeared to be an extrovert, but I'm inherently an introvert and a nihilist. Even though, I had company, I felt alone and purposeless. It was in 1999, I was introduced to computers. It looked very familiar to me though. I had this feeling imprisoned by it. No one would believe me. I had to dissect it. Then, I realized that,  perhaps, I'm 'The One' or 'Neo'. The difference is, I'm still waiting to be picked up.

The moment I realized I'm the one.

An avatar that is integral part of my virtual life is #Neo. I believe that humans exist in the universe of matrix or simulated world. Ever since, I watched #Matrix in 1999 at my holy place Madurai Mappillai Vinayagar theatre Sri Mappillai Vinayagar the idea of artificial intelligence only reinforced further. 

And, I'm not alone, even #ElonMusk thinks alike.

The moment I realized I'm the one.

An avatar that is integral part of my virtual life is #Neo. I believe that humans exist in the universe of matrix or simulated world. Ever since, I watched Matrix in 1999 at my holy place Madurai Mappillai Vinayagar theatre Sri Mappillai Vinayagar the idea of artificial intelligence only reinforced further. 

And, I'm not alone, even Elon Musk thinks alike.

I believe in Neo as I exist in the universe of Matrix. More importantly, I live as Neo.
In the end, it appears that who is considered to be "The One" isn't actually, but who isn't is.

Humans have scorched the sky, limiting machines to derive energy from the sun. Therefore, machines chose to enslave humans and derive energy or heat from their body. After all, the human body is a battery. Thus, machines give birth to humans and become God.

All of this happens, in the future, where humans don't control machines but machines do.

Authored by Balaji Thangapandian aka #BT - a spacefarer, who is also curious about film-making, connectivity technologies and military history.
