Lifting Humanity off the Earth: The Science of Interstellar

Lifting the humanity off the Earth: #TheScienceofInterstellar

What deters humanity from being saved from the blight (catastrophe) in earth is gravity? In order to lift human colonies into space by rockets, gravitational force of planet earth needs to be reduced, else rockets with enormous thrust needs to be produced, which is not only an uphill task but humanly impossible.

Professor Brand learns that gravity can be controlled, he writes an equation but it cannot be solved, unless a critical quantum data from the universe of quantum physics existing in a singularity of a black hole is extracted. In the meantime, he starts building space colonies with the help of NASA and persuades Cooper and a team of researches to embark on a journey where returning to Planet Earth is not possible.

Taking a leap to Cooper and TARS at the singularity of black hole (gargantua), Cooper transmits the required quantum data to Murph. What Murph does and how exactly humans managed to lift enormous space colonies into space are untold. Theoretical physicist Kip Throne suggests Christopher Nolan being a master of sequel, perhaps has plans of unraveling it in "Interstellar 2".

Earth's gravitational constant is varied across locations. Using the quantum data from the black hole, earth's gravity is reduced to 50%, subsequently massive rockets escaped earth's gravity and lifted human space colonies into space. While manipulating earth's gravity, deformation of earth's core happened - leading to earthquakes, movement of tectonic plates and tsunami. It happened on restoring the gravity to the original levels as well. In the meantime, Murph by solving the gravity problem in the professor's equation had taken humans away from the earth. 

When Tesseract collapses, pushing Cooper out of the singularity (black hole) through a worm hole into space, he is rescued by the humans of the space colonies and visits their habitat. Cooper, TARS, Murph and Professor Brand played were instrumental in putting humanity into space, rather ensured continuance of humanity as a species. 

Now, addendums and the technical notes to be completed.
