Brief | Terminator Timeline | Illustration

Brief | Terminator Timeline | Illustration

Timeline chart of Terminator explained by self to some friends who could not comprehend the story: Tme travel of characters Terminators, Kyle Resse,  emergence of Skynet as AI, and last but not the least Sarah Connor.

'Terminator 2: Judgement Day', turns 29 today. It was released on 3rd July, 1991. I don't have to explicitly say, how much I'm obsessed about James Cameron's vision. I had to explain someone at work about the plot of Terminator series in simple terms. Therefore, I drew the timeline myself and explained.

I'm delighted as 29 years ago today, 'Terminator 2: Judgement Day'  was released. I vividly remember watching the film in the Thanga Regal theatre of Madurai upon its release in early 90s. It was completely an analog experience as digital cinema technologies were either not invented nor adopted in Madurai. Yet, I thoroughly enjoyed. It was engrossing. As I write this, the OST of terminator plays in my mind.

Authored by Balaji Thangapandian aka #BT - a spacefarer, who is also curious about film-making, connectivity technologies and military history.
