Disruptor | Christopher Nolan | Anniversary

Disruptor | Christopher Nolan | Anniversary

"I never considered myself a lucky person. I'm the most extraordinary pessimist. I truly am."

This object itself is quintessentially Nolan. Because he is a symbol. 

In the ubiquitous digital world, where everything is done without the required effort, he does it the hard way, rather the real way. He is a technology wizard and is still an advocate of photochemical film, practical and physical film-making, which are the original and effective film-making methods. His stories and characters live beyond the universe of cinema in the real lives of many. If the entire humanity were to ascertain someone, synonymous with authentic creativity, sheer brilliance, and grandeur, it is no one, except Christopher Nolan. He was born 54 years ago today, on 30th July, 1970. Happy birthday auteur.

I would say Christopher Nolan is the only filmmaker alive after Stanley Kubrick to perfectly blend practical with visual effects. I have seen almost all of his interviews, where, he repeatedly says that he captures everything possible in camera and leaves very little room for CGI. Because, he believes as I do, in order to make ever lasting impact and closer to reality visuals, practical effects will massively help. He did that with all of his films, even with mind blowing images generated in Inception and Interstellar. 

He also advocates shooting in film and projecting in film projection for aesthetic values. He and Quentin Tarantino went on to say that, they would stop making films, if film stock is not made available. Typically, studio executives don't agree with the terms of directors. Christopher Nolan has always been an exception as he has learnt the art of infusing experimental cinema with mainstream. More importantly, he made profits for the studios. In his WWII film Dunkirk, he declined to use a computer generated warship, instead a vintage ship, which was not in use for 30 years, was revamped, and used for shoot. As a cinephile, and advocate of practical effects and film, i enormously admire this man.

Authored by Balaji Thangapandian aka #BT - a spacefarer, who is also curious about film-making, connectivity technologies and military history.
