Disruptor | Nikola Tesla Day

Disruptor | Nikola Tesla Day

Today is Nikola Tesla's day.

It is an understatement to say, humanity would not be what we are today without him -he disrupted mankind forever. Anything that you are using powered by electricity has Nikola Tesla's inventions at its core. Imagine a world, where you can consume electricity like you breathe air. Tesla aspired to build that world. Yes, worldwide wireless electricity transmission. He made the prototype system, it successfully generated, wirelessly transmitted electricity and even lit bulbs installed some hundred meters away from the source. Since it was so disruptive, which could cannibalize almost every business engaged in power and energy, Tesla was deprived of the essentials to realize his vision. 
Tesla's mind was robbed. His ideas were stolen. He persevered. He stayed in isolation, never married, and continued to disrupt. Being the father of Alternating Current (AC), which proved to be efficient than Thomas Edison's Direct Current (DC), his alternating current induction motor is considered to be one of the ten greatest discoveries of all time.166 years ago today, on 10th July 1856, visionary scientist, the maverick, the genius who lit the world, father of radio and electrical transmission systems Nikola Tesla was born. 
'Society only tolerates one change at a time. The first time I changed the world, I was hailed as a visionary. The second time I was asked politely to retire.' #NikolaTesla #ThePrestige (2006).

I must thank auteur #ChristopherNolan for making inventor Nikola Tesla one of the pivotal fictional characters of his masterpiece 'The Prestige' (2006).

Do watch the video of Nikola Tesla from the film The Prestige

One of my favorite quotes of #NikolaTesla
'There is no conflict between the ideal of religion and the ideal of science, but science is opposed to theological dogmas because science is founded on fact. To me, the universe is simply a great machine which never came into being, never will end. The human being is no exception to the natural order. Man, like the universe is a machine.' - Nikola Tesla

I travelled back in time to 1857 - 1943, the time period, when one of the greatest maverick inventors ever, Nikola Tesla, existed, whose works were often purposely overlooked and ignored for commercial and unknown reasons. I was part of the spectators, who witnessed his demonstrations of: Alternating current (AC) propelled induction motor - Tesla Coil - Radio controlled boat, and most importantly, wireless power transmission. Without Tesla's AC induction motor, industrial revolution would have never happened, which means mankind would not have made progress and stayed back in 1800s. Do imagine if his other inventions were not forbidden, the impacts would have been unprecedented. Indeed, I met the master of lightning, virtually.

If you are intrigued about Tesla, do watch this documentary, as I did:

While I'm not an intelligent, I can humbly say that I have never been a regular, and will never be. Even though, I was seemingly an extrovert until I completed my graduation in engineering, I found solace in solitude as I never felt belonged to the people in general. I seldom met the like minded or someone with diversified aspirations. The notion of introversion invariably attracted me. The more I moved away from people the more I became enlightened if I can say so, especially when I was a marketer for a leading telecommunications company and pursuing management studies at one of the top ten business schools in India. I thought I had found the path to travel towards my destiny. That's when an existential crisis changed everything irrevocably in a matter of seconds. That's when this theory occurred to me that no one is invincible, and everyone fall when their validity expires. 

For further study:

Indeed. Nikola Tesla's inventions were mostly forbidden as they were disruptive and would have augmented human lives. Society could not take his ideas as they were incomprehensible. I'm glad maverick entrepreneur Elon Musk has been giving the respect he deserves by using the inventor's name for his engineering company, Tesla. Even auteur filmmaker Christopher Nolan disseminated the contributions of Nikola Tesla, in his film 'The Prestige'.

Humans will soon become redundant. Not only the mundane, unsafe, repetitive, but intellectual tasks carried out by humans will be replaced by artificially intelligent robots or cyborgs. I'm always grateful to maverick #ElonMusk as he named one of his disruptive companies after arguably the greatest scientist and visionary ever #NikolaTesla.

#BT invariably appreciates failures to successes. It takes an opportunity to be a successful but perseverance to be a failure. While Nikola Tesla disrupted the society through his innovations, he was not duly recognised as his ideas would fundamentally change every aspect of our lives for betterment, which meant loss of business for those already engaged in providing solutions. He was posthumously recognised.

"#TeslaBot", is the inception of a new age self-aware robot, which would take over humanity. 


I cannot completely buy when physicists claim that mathematics is the only language, which can describe the universe because mathematics is a human intervention not born out of the big bang. However, based on astronomical observations, mathematical equations seem to be explaining the working of the universe. How is it possible? Mathematicians and physicists are able to adjust its equations in a manner, which can describe the workings of the universe, which are incidentally proven by astronomical experiments and observations. I'm not alone, though. I have the company of eccentric inventor Nikola Tesla and coveted physicist Brain Greene. 

It's the audacity of humans attempting to explain the incomprehensible universe using the language they have invented, mathematics. 


Authored by Balaji Thangapandian aka #BT - a spacefarer, who is also curious about film-making, connectivity technologies and military history.


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